Empty Bowls is an annual event that brings artists, chefs and businesses together with the community to raise awareness of food insecurity in North Texas. Now in its 25th year, the local event is part of a national effort to fight hunger.
“North Lake Ceramics invited students, faculty and community members to come together to support awareness of food insecurity in North Texas by creating and donating ceramic bowls to the Empty Bowls event,” Professor of Visual Arts, Alex Ferrante said.
Trinity Ceramics donated 300 pounds of clay for the Jan. 25 event. Participants of all skill levels, current and former students and faculty members participated. The department lab specialist, Tommy Wright helped organize the event.
“The Empty Bowls fundraiser is such a great cause that we try to donate clay to any studios or individuals who are willing to make bowls for the event,” Conor Muldoon with Trinity Ceramics said.
In just four hours, North Lake Ceramics collectively created more than 100 ceramic bowls for the event.
“Empty Bowls is an important and amazing event that encourages us to be engaged in our local communities and reminds us that by supporting one another we can positively impact people,” Ferrente said. “North Lake Ceramics will continue to contribute to this event into the future and encourage anyone who is interested to join.”
According to the North Texas Food Bank (NTFB) website, Empty Bowls provided some 8.23 million meals to neighbors in need in 13 counties around Dallas.
Local sponsorship is part of that success. The North Texas Food Bank is the major supplier of food for the North Lake Campus and Dallas College food pantries.
The Empty Bowls fundraiser draws support from many sources.
“Kroger’s ongoing support, through food donations, funding and partnership, has been a key driver of our success and a true example of community collaboration,” said Jeff Smith, senior manager of communications with the North Texas Food Bank.”
A key aspect of the Empty Bowls project is the opportunity for guests to choose a handcrafted bowl made by local artists, ceramicists and woodcutters.
“Many guests arrive early to ensure they get first pick of these unique creations,” Smith said. “We truly appreciate all of their dedication and support.”
The Empty Bowls 25th anniversary event takes place on Feb. 27 at the North Texas Food Bank headquarters in Plano. The event will feature “bowl-friendly” cuisine created by Chef Brian Luscher, known for creating popular menus for several local restaurants.
The event will also feature food trucks and offer a digital cookbook and other surprises for participants. Additional information is available at www.ntfb.org/emptybowls.