Like a conductor, a government coordinates the different aspects of the society based on a constitution which outlines how the government will operate based on a set of laws.
In the United States, the U.S. Constitution is established for and by “We the People.”
The purpose and responsibility of the Student Government Association (SGA) at Dallas College is to serve as an interface between the students and the administration.
Each campus has its own chapter.
“SGA is for students by students,” said Cristian Henriquez, president of the North Lake Campus SGA chapter.

“Every student at North Lake or Dallas College is a member. As long as you are a student, you are a member.”
SGA holds public meetings every month to hear the concerns of students and to share information from the administration.
Representatives from campus clubs and organizations are required to attend the SGA senate meetings.
“Public meetings are twice a month, including general meetings and senate meetings for meetings of clubs and organizations on campus,” said Henriquez.
“Each club sends representatives to SGA meetings.”
In addition to serving as the bridge between students and administration, SGA is an organization that offers leadership training for officers and the opportunity to use those skills.
Officers learn about Roberts Rules of Order, the protocol for conducting public meetings.
“Officer boot camp for two years has gathered all Dallas College SGA officers to get training for all positions.
Across the year, the president must create a workshop for officers,” Henriquez said.
In addition to holding meetings, the SGA officers work in the Student Life offices for six hours each week.
The North Lake Campus chapter of SGA will hold two more general assembly meetings this semester, on Oct. 28 and Nov. 25 from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in H226.
All North Lake students are welcome to attend.